Hospice Payment

The hospice benefit is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most primary insurances. There is generally no out-of-pocket expense for the family.
Medicare Hospice Benefit includes:
- Physician services as it relates to the terminal illness
- Regular home visits by a hospice nurse
- Chaplain services for the patient and family
- Hospice aide and homemaker services, such as dressing and bathing
- Social work services and counseling services
- Bereavement services
- Medical equipment such as hospital bed, wheelchair, or oxygen
- Medical supplies such as bandages or catheters
- Medications to control symptoms and relieve pain or discomfort
- Physical, speech and occupational therapy
- Dietary counseling, as necessary
- Short-term hospital care as it relates to the terminal illness
- Short-term respite care for the family, as it relates to the terminal illness
The Medicaid hospice benefit also provides coverage of 100% of the charges associated with our hospice services. The services provided under the Medicaid hospice benefit plan are the same as the services provided for Medicare recipients.
Managed Care Programs/Commercial Insurance Programs
Some of these programs may offer only limited hospice benefits, but our hospice agency will work with you and the insurance company to maximize the benefits available.